East Bergholt Ballet School (“we” , “us or “our”) Terms and Conditions (“Agreement”).


This agreement form is available from the website or from the school at registration and should be read, signed and a copy returned.


  1. Fees are payable to us termly in advance and except as set out in the Agreement are non-refundable.
  2. A term is usually 10 lessons and there are three terms per year. The term dates will, whenever possible, coincide with local academic schools. All available dates will be supplied on written request or made available via our website. We reserve the right to alter lesson times and dates but will endeavour to provide as much notice thereof as is reasonably possible.
  3. Five weeks prior written notice to us is required to relinquish a place in a class or a half term fee will be payable in lieu of notice
  4. Pupils are required to wear the appropriate ballet school uniform for their grade for all  classes and we recommend this should contain a label with the pupil’s name clearly    stated in case of loss. Pupils inappropriately dressed will not be allowed to attend until  they comply.
  5. Pupils should show respect and courtesy for others at all times and must not deface or damage any property on premises used by us. All pupils are expected to strictly observe the standards of behaviour set by us from time to time. This is in the interests of creating and maintaining a learning culture throughout. Any pupil who fails to comply may be asked to leave a lesson or lessons in our sole discretion.
  6. You accept that we cannot be held responsible for damage to or loss of any personal effects whilst attending classes or the Ballet School.
  7. The changing area must be used considerately. Belongings should be placed together neatly. Please use a basket if there is one available.
  8. Please ensure pupils (under the age of 16) are met from class by a responsible adult. You are responsible for ensuring this is effected by you or a person nominated by you in writing. Persons unknown to us will not be allowed to collect pupils (under 16) without providing necessary identification. You accept that between or at the end of classes, it may not always be possible for us to monitor collection for the safety of pupils unless, you strictly comply with this rule.   (See 22*)
  9. No changing room supervision is provided and children’s safety outside the ballet class is the responsibility of the accompanying adult.
  10. You agree to indemnify and hold us harmless from and against all claims, liabilities, expenses and costs (including legal fees) of whatever nature suffered or incurred by us as a direct or indirect result of any breach by you (or your child, as the case may be) of any of these terms and conditions. These are laid down, inter alia, for pupil enjoyment, learning and safety. Whilst you accept we endeavour to make every effort to prevent any injury to our pupils we do however exclude liability for injury except where suffered as a result of our negligence.  

Parking ( East Bergholt Ballet School only)

  1. There is free parking available at the Constable Hall but we cannot guarantee the availability of parking or that it will continue to be free. Please ensure that you comply with any applicable parking rules and other regulations applicable to any site where classes are being held. We are not responsible for parking at the site or for any loss or damage whatsoever incurred in connection with the use of the car park. Please use the entrance and exit as signposted and you must take extra care at all times when children are coming and going.



  1. Any injuries or illnesses should be reported to Miss Lavelle at the start of class. Please cover any open wounds. We reserve the right to exclude pupils if, in our discretion, we feel it would be unwise for their own or other pupils` health to participate.
  1. Pupils who suffer from Asthma should bring an inhaler with them.
  1. Parents must inform us of any health problems, which may present in class such as but not limited to eye sight, hearing or any other conditions of any nature which may affect the child’s disposition. Adult pupils must inform us of any health conditions prior to class commencing.
  1. Neither you nor any of your friends or family may smoke in the building or chew any form of gum.


Skills & Examinations

  1. Teachers will encourage and develop each individual to fulfil their potential ability in all areas.
  1. Pupils will be prepared for examinations in the Royal Academy of Dance classical ballet syllabus where applicable.
  1. Please accept the advice given regarding the entering of examinations as all pupils are individual and develop physical skills and abilities at different times. Age is not a reliable guide to preparedness.

Please commit to attending classes regularly so that progress can be sustained.



  1. Parents are welcome to take photographs and film of their child during open classes. However it is necessary for the parent to seek the prior permission of other parents who’s children may also be included in the photograph or film. This can usually be done before the class commences and is rarely an issue.



  1. Ballet is a physical art form and a refined skill. In order to help facilitate learning, it is often necessary to guide or correct movement by touch. This will always be appropriate to the pupil and will occur in a professional manner with the intention of the contact being made clear. It may also be necessary for us to be a dancing partner to a pupil, or prepare their hair for examinations and your consent is deemed given for the purposes of this rule.
  1. These term and conditions and the registration forms are the entire agreement relating to its subject matter. Variations to these terms and conditions will be notified to you in writing from time to time or made available via our website. Attendance of a lesson by a pupil shall be deemed to be acceptance of our latest terms and conditions. Our total liability howsoever arising, where the law allows, shall not exceed, (in aggregate) a refund of fees paid to us in respect of the applicable lesson . We shall have no liability under or in connection with this Agreement for any delay or failure caused by any event or circumstance that is beyond our reasonable control including but not limited to fire, flood, theft, vandalism, illness, failure of utilities, act of nature or labour disputes.  


 22*. Those persons nominated by you to collect your child are listed by you in the spaces below.











23. Data

 Personal data will be held for the purposes of administration and safety. When a pupil withdraws from classes at the Ballet school, their personal data will be deleted or destroyed. No data will be shared with other organisations except where necessary for ballet examination, administration or as required by law.


I agree to and will abide by the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement and give my permission and consent for appropriate contact to be made with my child.





Date ______________




Any additional information, which you consider relevant may be given below.



*Please complete two copies of this form. Keep one copy for your records and return the other to the Principal.

Version date: 22.11.24